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::meet the curator::

Based in New Jersey, Clarissa is a spirit-led creative, intuitive healer, and conduit for ancient wisdom. She uses body-based modalities, earth magick, and story-telling to cultivate community-based healing. Her intention is to use her gifts in the service of promoting wellness and progressive social change. Focused on educating her community on the impact the environment has on our ability to experience optimal health, she is eager to collaborate with others who are similarly passionate about providing holistic services that help heal folx from the negative effects of systematic oppression. 

To connect, collaborate, or learn more, please reach out.

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::our mission::

Soluna Vida's purpose is to cultivate healing spaces that are intentional, inclusive, and accessible to everyone.


Through creative practices, we seek to educate on the interconnectedness of wellness, community, and positive social change.


Our intention is to revolutionize healing by encouraging a conscious, evolving journey that enhances one's ability to self-actualize and experience wholeness.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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